
Soybean nutrition

Soybeans are rich in nutritive value, and are also known as "King of Beans". They contain various nutrients such as protein, oil, lecithin, minerals, cellulose, saponin, isoflavones and other nutrients needed for human nutrition and health. Cardiovascular disease, cancer prevention, menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, and other benefits.

  • Nutrients

    The content is as high as 38% to 40%, providing the essential amino acids necessary for human nutrition and health. The plant protein contained in soybeans has the effect of lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

    Soybean fat︰
    It is mainly composed of unsaturated fatty acids (85%), of which about 60% are polyunsaturated fatty acids and about 25% is monounsaturated fatty acids.

    The lecithin contained in soy is completely free of cholesterol, can prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, skin care, excretion of toxins, etc., is often used as a healthy nutrient, pharmaceuticals and food emulsifiers.

    Rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and so on.

    Contains 75% dietary fiber to aid digestion.

    Saponin is a very strong antioxidant that can inhibit free radicals by its anti-oxidant properties to achieve anti-cancer effects.

    Contains 12 isoflavones. Soybean isoflavones are plant-derived estrogens and have lower biological activity than animal estrogens. They also do not produce metabolites of animal estrogens that have a carcinogenic effect.

  • Nutritional benefits

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases︰
    Studies have shown that intake of legume protein can increase the amount of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the blood, lower the amount of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol), total cholesterol, and triglyceride in the blood.

    Prevent cancer︰
    Soybean contains two kinds of isoflavones, and it turns into an analogue of estrogen in the human body to prevent certain cancers that are affected by hormones, such as women's breast cancer and men's prostate cancer.

    Improve menopause symptoms︰
    Because soy contains similar natural female estrogen, can provide a natural estrogen supplement for menopausal women, it can reduce the symptoms of menopause caused by lack of estrogen. In general, Asia women with high intake of soybeans have far lower symptoms of menopause than women who do not eat soybeans in the West.

    Slow down osteoporosis︰
    Soybean contains high calcium. It contains natural estrogen which has an important function of preserving bone. It may have the worry of taking long-term hormonal supplements because it may cause cancer. Soybean helps prevent osteoporosis and heart disease in menopausal women.

Jiang Ji Quality Soybean

We choose the non-gmo (non-genetically modified) soybean, which imports from the United States and have US state certification. The non-gmo soybean purchase directly from the farm. We insist on selecting sole IP (Identity Preservative) non-gmo soybean. We persist on not using the mixed variety the soybean. IP is a process or system of maintaining the segregation and documenting the identity of a product. The soybean is from plant, harvests, the graduation, clean, transportation, and store. Every procedure has science strict supervising and managing. Therefore, we can ensure that soybean is excellent quality, high stability, high protein content, consistent color, and pesticide residuum is lower the international standard far. The whole soybean production management is committed to protecting our customer's health. We believe that our high quality fermented bean curd products can ensure food safety to consumers. Our high-quality standards make it easy for consumers because if it does not meet our standard, we do not sell it.

  • The Origin of Raw Material

    the United States - North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin             
  • Certificate

    the United States - North Dakota State Non-Gmo Soybean Certification
    the United States - South Dakota State Non-Gmo Soybean Certification
    the United States - Minnesota State Non-Gmo Soybean Certification
    the United States - Wisconsin State Non-Gmo Soybean Certification
  • Quality advantage

    Sole IP (Identity Preservative) non-gmo soybean︰
    Good quality, high stability, high protein content, consistent color, large particle size, no damage, reduce pesticide residues.